Freemasons come from all walks of life, but in order to become a Mason you must meet a few simple criteria:
- You must be a male, at least 18 years of age (varies by state)
- You must profess a belief in a Supreme Being
- You must be a man of good morals and reputation
In order to join you must seek admission by your own free will, and you must be recommended by a current Freemason, unanimously elected to membership and willing to assume an obligation to the fraternity. Click here to download a petition.
To get started simply go to The Next Step and fill out basic information. A virtual mentor will assist you and introduce you to a local lodge.
Degrees of Masonry
As you follow the path of Masonry you will have the opportunity to earn three symbolic degrees representing the lessons of Masonry.
- Entered Apprentice – beginner
- Fellowcraft – intermediate
- Master Mason – expert
All Shriners are Master Masons, but not all Freemasons go on to become Shriners.